The 20m Run Test of Aerobic Fitness is an essential component in any battery of tests designed to measure how healthy you are. In fact it’s a fundamental measure. Despite that, you could count on the non-opposable digits of one hand the number of doctors who regularly get their clients to do an aerobic fitness test.
The 20m Run Test of Aerobic Fitness is a small book, outlining how to measure your aerobic fitness, precautions to take and a set of scores that will let you know how fit your are. The test supersedes the ‘Beep Test’ which is cumbersome and time consuming to administer.
Once you have a benchmark you’ll be able to embark on an aerobic fitness training program that will see you gradually improve your aerobic fitness.
I strongly recommend that the Miller 20m run test be included in with the battery of assessments that go with a comprehensive health check. Without it, a health assessment is seriously compromised and a most fundamental part of the health jigsaw puzzle is missing.
This book is written for regular folks who want to enhance their health status by improving their aerobic fitness.